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Academic Writing

There is no “one style” of writing, no “one” perfect formula. Writing has to be adjusted according to subject and conditions (i.e., is it a timed writing or a long term assignment?).

This program is designed to help students develop their writing skills in three areas: history, literature, and SAT-style impromptu writing.

Each area presents its own set of challenges and strategies. Students are given a topic each week with reading materials that are meant to help “kickstart” the brainstorming process.

The topics rotate on a three-week cycle: history, literature, prompt writing, then back to history.

( 06024 ) 서울 강남구 논현로 168길 36 안국빌딩 4층|전화번호 : 02.511.7094|팩스번호 : 02.3445.0579
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