AP Exam Program
5월 AP시험을 준비하는 학생들에게 꼭 필요한 과목만을 엄선하여 해당과목 전공 전문 GATE 강사진들의 깊이 있는 강의를 제공합니다.
AP Exam Program ( 33가지의 AP 시험 과목 )
- Art History
- European History
- Physics B
- Biology
- French Language
- Physics C
- Calculus AB
- French Literature
- Psychology
- Calculus BC
- German Language
- Spanish Language
- Chemistry
- Comparative Government & Politics
- Spanish Literature
- Computer Science A
- U.S. Government & Politics
- Statistics
- Macroeconomics
- Human Geography
- Studio Art
- Microeconomics
- Italian Language and Culture
- U.S. History
- English Language
- Latin Literature
- World History
- English Literature
- Latin: Vergil
- Chinese Language and Culture
- Environmental Science
- Music Theory
- Japanese Language and Culture
AP Literature
This course will prepare students to take the AP English Literature and Composition Exam, which focuses on building skills necessary for college-level reading and writing. The texts include works from a variety of time periods and genres, and students will be asked to read and analyze challenging and provocative material. The course will focus on improving skill sets related to confidence and facility with language; skill in critical reading, writing, and thinking; and success in academic endeavors. This course includes using approaches that develop skills to study and write about poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. This course will build a vocabulary of rhetorical techniques, as well as introduce additional terms of literary analysis for poetry and fiction. We will concern ourselves with the construction of style analysis covered on the exam, and with several other modes of writing. We will explore the multiple-choice section to develop close reading skills and literary terms and techniques. We will also look specifically at strategies to identify tone, and how to apply critical theory to the texts we study.
AP Language
This course will prepare students to take the AP English Language and Composition Exam. Students will read and carefully analyze a broad range of nonfiction and fictional prose selections in order to deepen their awareness of rhetoric and how language works. Students choosing to enter this course will be studying and writing various kinds of analytic or persuasive essays on nonliterary topics. This course will teach students the art of argumentation and help them acquire the skills of analyzing and citing secondary source material, which they will use in support of the position they are developing. Students will also practice inferring, interpreting, paraphrasing, quoting, synthesizing, and summarizing for use in the development of their own writing. Students will develop the ability to decipher language and text with a greater awareness of the author’s purpose and strategy, paying attention to the use of syntax, word choice, and tone. Students will work on strengthening their own composing abilities, including writing with a purpose, addressing and appealing to an audience, creating effective text structures, and using an appropriate style. Course readings and materials include many different genres.