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SAT Paper와 Digital의 차이점

시험 길이 / 시간


시험 길이 / 시간
Reading 52 문항/65분
Writing 44 문항/35분
Math 58 문항/80분
총 시험 시간: 3시간


시험 길이 / 시간
Reading + Writing 54 문항/64분
Math 44 문항/70분
총 시험 시간: 2시간

Reading and Writing Passage 차이


Long passage으로 reading 문제 10개 정도
Writing도 passage 별 문제 11개
Vocabulary는 Passage내 Context-based


Short Passage으로 passage당 문제 1개
Writing도 short paragraph당 문제 1개
Vocabulary는 Sentence Completion 방식

Math 차이


Non-Cal / Cal 섹션으로 나눠짐
Statistics관련 Long Word Question 다수


Calculator Only 섹션으로 통일
주관식 문항이 늘었음
Applied Math / Statistics 비율이 줄음
Geo + Trig 관련 비율이 높아짐
Complicated function analysis

Digital SAT R+W Passage Types

Despite not including the entire passages, the new digital SAT includes passages from the same types of authors and styles as the previous SAT.
Many of the new passages are repeated from previous paper tests and include passages on the following topics:

  • History
  • Social Science
  • Plants & Animals,
  • Geology
  • Historical Literature
  • Poetry

The new passages used are approximately the same difficulty as the previous exam.

Differences between R+W Modules 1 and 2

Both Modules 1 and 2 ask identical questions and have similar formats.

However, the main difference between modules 1 and 2 is the difficulty of the vocabulary and the length of the passages and questions.

Module 1 tends to ask basic vocabulary questions and does not include comparisons between multiple passages

Module 2 uses higher level vocabulary in the questions and the passages are more involved and lengthier than in Module 1.

Digital SAT Math Concepts

Algebra : 13-15
  • Linear Equations (1 & 2 Variables)
  • Linear Functions
  • System of Equations
  • Linear Inequalities
Advanced Math : 13-15
  • Equivalent Expressions
  • Nonlinear Equations (1 variable)
  • System of Equations (2 variables)
  • Nonlinear Functions
Problem Solving and Data Analysis : 5-7
  • Ratios, Rates, Proportional Relationships
  • Percentages
  • Probability and Conditional Probability
  • Inference from Statistics
  • Evaluating Statistical Claims
Geometry + Trigonometry : 5-7
  • Area and Volume Formulas
  • Lines, Angles, Triangles
  • Right Triangles + Trigonometry
  • Circles

Differences between Math Modules 1 and 2

Both Modules 1 and 2 ask similar questions and have similar formats.

However, the main difference between modules 1 and 2 is the difficulty of the math concepts

  • Mathematical Expressions are harder in Module 2
  • Computation (Number + Function) is harder in Module 2 (계산기 사용하게 만들었음)
  • More geometry and trigonometry combined question
  • Questions are longer in Module 2
  • Requires more understanding and analysis of functions

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